
Scoot over a Smidgen

I really never thought that I would have a blog. Somehow it all seems so self-centered. I don't know...it's like look at me, I'm so important that even my most personal thoughts need an audience. Though people I work with seem to hold a slightly different opinion, I do not enjoy the sound of my own voice. In fact, nothing annoys me quite as much as that particular sound. So take it as no insult to you when I say that it seems to me that most of us are not nearly as interesting as we think.

Nevertheless, recent events have convinced me that if we don't have normal decibel conversations about all the things that are going on--the important and the trivial--then all we'll ever have are loud arguments over them. I am not one of those people who hates yelling or screaming. Hey, if you care enough about something, it is worth getting a bit overheated about it. The problem is that we don't usually make our most compelling or even logical arguments when we are talking loud. It is a sort of paradox that when we speak quietly others are most able to hear us.

So here's my contribution to the conversation....a collection of thoughts (mostly complaints) about the state of popular culture, politics and people. And frankly sometimes I'm gonna say it loud...but hopefully not too loud.