
Watching the NBA Skills Competition Part II...where the girls go from sex to sexual assault to bodily mutilation

vengeance: oh you know i only watch age inappropriate tv
vengeance: for the geriatric or incredibly young
truth: i tend to just watch shows that are a single standard deviation from my actual demographic
vengeance: in fact i have been watching a fairly odd parents marathon
truth: like shows for teenagers
vengeance: yeah i tend to watch at least 2 standard deviations away
truth: see joan of arcadia
vengeance: see...any crime show on cbs
vengeance: spongebob squarepants
truth: or ones for women in their 40s see "what not to wear" or all of TLC for that matter vengeance: well what not to wear is a fantastic show...and i want clinton to be my friend vengeance: he could join my posse of ambiguously sexual male friends
truth: yeah, i really can't figure out if clinton is gay or not
vengeance: you know i love those sorts of men...in fact i like to date them
truth: i think he's one of those straight guys that sort of lets women think he's gay so he can see them naked and stuff
vengeance: totally
vengeance: so you think clinton's a little pervy
truth: well i could definitely see you dating clinton
truth: just a tiny bit
vengeance: or at least self-interested
truth: yeah and he definitely enjoys putting on the women's oversized clothes a bit much
truth: so i don't even know what to do with that
vengeance: i like to refer to those things as self-interest rather than pervy
vengeance: yeah...thyat is always tough
truth: yeah i don't think he'd actually assault anyone or even come close
truth: but i think he'd like get his jollies without letting his partner in on the full scene vengeance: no....but he uses his position as a fashion maven to get what he wants
vengeance: yeah totally t
ruth: see doesn't fashion maven feel like we're just calling him gay vengeance: ok...sorry vengeance: well then what would you call his job
truth: no...no apologies, but i just feel like this is a sign of what we're talking about like we suspect he's straight but it's easy to fall into acting like he's your gay friend
vengeance: you are right truth: let's call him a personal shopper/fashion consultant
vengeance: ok...but i still think he should date me...we would get along so well
truth: i agree
vengeance: and i wouldn't even care if he wore my clothes
truth: but i think i'd get mad that he kept getting free hugo boss clothes from work
truth: he'd have to spend his money buying you designer duds
vengeance: oh true
vengeance: but i would get you stuff
truth: charles just said that kelly clarkson is "no janet jackson"
truth: charles is pervy
vengeance: she is no janet
vengeance: i love charles
vengeance: he just tells it like it is
vengeance: you know he has a new book coming out
vengeance: with wilbon from pti
truth: oh my god, i'm gonna get that book for sure
vengeance: me too
vengeance: i enjoy both of them
truth: but i think he's saying she's no janet jackson because he doesn't get to see her tit
truth: me too
vengeance: oh i doubt it
truth: and i'll get one for my brother, because he LOVES pti
vengeance: you are just trying to make charles a pervert
truth: no... trust me that's exactly what he was insinuating
truth: he is a perv
vengeance: ok....
truth: he's had to pay off women after grabbing their genitals or something
truth: he's a perv
vengeance: well at least he paid them
vengeance: and didn't offer them pudding pops or something
vengeance: i think i am so funny
truth: dude i totally think the coz was all grabbing boobies
truth: after putting ruffies in people's jello pudddding
vengeance: he was so grabbing boobies
vengeance: hahahahahahhaa
vengeance: you make me laugh out loud
truth: i live for that
vengeance: he had great lines...such as....do you want to lick my pudding
pop vengeance: i can just imagine
vengeance: he was wearing one of his ugly ass sweaters
truth: yeah but you'd have to see him do that eye rolling to the back of the head thing he does...at that special time
vengeance: totally
truth: voice of danny on: "well that would make it sexy wouldn't it?"
truth: voice o' Danny: "i hope he was wearing tight jeans as well"
truth: "ladies love that"
vengeance: i love it when you channel danny
vengeance: i wonder why danny chose bill as his role model
truth: hmmm...should i be insulted that dannyhas slipped X into my lunch
vengeance: mmmm....no....i don't think so
vengeance: ok....i think danny would use ruffies
vengeance: sandra would use X
vengeance: you know she likes to touch
truth: good point, yet what does it mean that he's never put any ruffies in my ice tea?
truth: that's true, but the other side is she's a drug addict
vengeance: maybe he did...you wouldn't remember
truth: but sandra would just take all the drugs and then just touch you anyway
vengeance: totally
vengeance: maybe that explains her behavior
truth: okay i have a question...i know the old saying about how you shouldn't cut off your nose to spite your face...but can you cut off your nose to spite your nose?
vengeance: although she hasn't been so touchy lately
truth: because mine is raw and pissing me off
truth: hmmm...maybe she's losing her touch
vengeance: you could do that i suppose...but then you would be all ugly
vengeance: and be all crazy like van gogh
vengeance: but under similar circumstances...his ear was bothering the fuck out of him
truth: that's true
truth: do you think that explains michael jackson's nose?
truth: a very very bad case of allergies
vengeance: that he used too much coke
vengeance: i think that he is just a crazy mother fucker
truth: i have to agree with you there
vengeance: he totally faked being sick this week
truth: and i was reading about the fact that his penis is striped like a "barber's pole"
vengeance: no you were not
truth: yeah-hunh
vengeance: that is the most horrific thing i have ever heard
truth: well that's apparently what happens if you bleach your penis skin when you are not erect vengeance: is that what it said or your theory
truth: half and half
vengeance: oh i see
vengeance: maybe dr t knows
truth: some dude who who used to be an investigator for him said that his penis looked like a barber's pole because of the bleaching treatment
vengeance: oh my god
truth: then i tried to think why would he be able to get even skin color everywhere but his penis vengeance: we don't know it is even everywhere
truth: that has always been my biggest fear
truth: we know he's at least changed colors from the waist up
vengeance: oh my god
vengeance: no...we know his face is white
vengeance: we don't know about much more than that
truth: because he was in that video smashing car windows and grabbing his crotch on top of the car then he ripped off his shirt exposing his white boy/girl chest
vengeance: oh that is right
vengeance: but it could have been cgi'd
truth: dude but somebody would have leaked the undoctored film
truth: so michael's not gonna expose himself in front of a whole crew unless he's whitened up every where they can see
truth: but there is still the possibility that he has a black ass
vengeance: i guess you are right...i was going for a much larger conspiracy theory
vengeance: totally