Not Quite the Woman I'd Like to Be
Today is my husband's birthday. I am a bit sad because this is the first time in the 12 years that we've been a couple that I've missed his birthday and I guess in fairness I'm not really missing it today since I've already spoken to him twice. But I am feeling a bit lame.
Anyway, missing his birthday is not the reason that I am not feeling like the woman I'd like to be. The reason is that it just occurred to me that I really track my age more by his birthdays than my own. I guess it might be somewhat reasonable since there is only a nine month difference so really his age and my age are not so very far apart. And I guess that when it's one of those milestone birthdays the appearance of his always makes me think about how close I am to meeting my own age-related goals. Let's just say that I am not doing well with my goals for 30 and I don't have enough time to meet them all.
So maybe I'll spend a bit of time thinking about whether reasonable, mature, human beings need to set goals to reach by particular birthdays or whether that was a line of reasoning designed in the 1980s to sell self-help materials.
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