A Misdefining of Rochambeaux leads to the RochambeaureGuard
...and spawns the term of endearment "nutburglar"
The nice thing about keeping a blog is now Vengeance and I can keep a record of where some of our weirdest collaborative habits originated...I guarantee that RochamBeauregard is likely to be with us for a very, very long time. So here is how it all started....like so many things it started with a conversation supposedly about basketball
Vengeance: i really want chris paul to get all pissed off and rochambeaux again
Vengeance: then i would just call him beaux
Truth: oh my god if only
Vengeance: b/c he would be french
Truth: oh that's nice, because really i could see the french just using that as their new military strategy
Vengeance: and it would be funny
Vengeance: but since he is in the south he would just be bo
Truth: or Rochambeauregard
Vengeance: that is hysterical
Vengeance: the French would be at EU military integration meetings being like we won't join
Vengeance: unless you implement the rochambeauregard
Truth: hahahaha
Vengeance: and the germans would get out their my lil' fascist kit and kick their butts
Vengeance: and then kick them in the nuts
Truth: and then there'd be the question is this a WMD
Truth: what if when a team lost the game one person just went crazy
Truth: and kicked everybody in the nuts
Truth: like the refs, the opposing team, the mascot
Vengeance: that would rock
Vengeance: i would like to see a mascot lose it and go all rochambeaux
Vengeance: perhaps the demon deacon
Truth: i wouldn't mind seeing the blue devil do it either
Truth: with that crazy little mask
Vengeance: yeah that would be funny
Truth: he's already sort of like the hamburgler so then i could call him the nutburglar
Vengeance: oh shit the nutburglar
Vengeance: or you know who would be funny
Vengeance: the st joes eagle, b/c it isn't allowed to stop flapping its wings
Truth: who?
Truth: oh my god that made me spit tea on my laptop
Vengeance: ok this is hysterical
Truth: those flapping wings and just mad nut kickin'
Vengeance: oh yeah baby
Vengeance: can we have a mascot war...they can join the rochambeaureguard
Truth: i was just writing that to you
Truth: i was thinking we could have a pre-tourney competition
Vengeance: the nutburglar
Vengeance: that would be awesome
Vengeance: you know how capital one has a mascot tournament
Vengeance: we could have our own version
Truth: yeah that would be awesome
Vengeance: swimsuit competition and rochambeaux competition
Vengeance: and ever since that utah oregon fight
Vengeance: i am putting some cash on donald
Vengeance: although since he doesn't wear pants it might put him at a disadvantage
Truth: oh my god mascots in swimsuits would be awesome, but i say it has to be all thong
Vengeance: oh yeah baby
Vengeance: but imagine the orangeman in a thong
Vengeance: it is scary
Truth: true enough
Truth: but i'd like to see the stanford tree in a thong
Vengeance: or that wku giant red thing
Truth: and you know the tree would do it
Vengeance: yes that would be crazy and it would be scandalous
Vengeance: i totally want a t-shirt
Vengeance: one with two mascots one kicking the other in the nuts
Truth: we totally need t-shirts
Vengeance: would it be strange if i just started to use nutburglar as a term of endearment
Vengeance: b/c i think it would be rad
Truth: no, i think i would love to be called a lil nutburglar
Vengeance: yup that is your name
Truth: thank you
Vengeance: no prob
Vengeance: it is so awesome
Truth: i would like it used in the following manner, "hey what's up you lil nutburglar"
Vengeance: i am recovering from the laugh that only dogs can hear
Vengeance: oh shit
Vengeance: is it kind of like whippersnapper
Truth: i know a phrase just filled with love
Vengeance: it is....well between us it is a term of pure love
Truth: i like it
Truth: it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside like i've had one of your margaritas
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