THE ORIGINS OF ROCHAMBEAUX or why Southpark isn't educational television
So last year during the NCAA tournament Truth and I were watching together, and we got into some trivial argument over some useless fact. Which lead me to challenge her to a rochambeaux. I stood up and took fighting position. And Truth is all like "why the hell did you stand up for that." To which I retort, "how else am I going to kick you in the naughty bits."
Hysterical laughter emerges from Truth.....I am a little offended. I am all like, "come on, I could kick your butt." She retorts, "what the hell do you think rochambeaux is?" I say, "so I was watching southpark the other day, and cartman kept asking people if they wanted to rochambeaux for it, and he kicked them in the nuts. And then he asked Robert Smith of the Cure (who Truth and I both love...admit it Truth you love them) if he wants to rochambeaux for something, and Robert Smith kicks him in the nuts....hence rochambeaux must be kicking someone in the nuts." See the Ph.D. logic is totally clear. Well, Truth starts laughing, laughing so hard I think she might need to go to the hospital. When the laughter finally subsides, and I am still confused as to why this is so funny.....she finally says, "rochambeaux is rock, paper, scissors." I am astounded....."why would southpark lie to me like that?....those bastards." This only serves to provoke more laughter from Truth, who then encourages me to mention this to our friend C the next day (he loves testical humour). So the next day Truth and C are over, and I ask C if he wants to rochambeaux for something...what it is I don't remember...maybe Truth does. So he is like cool...I get up and get ready to kick him in the nuts...and he is still sitting there...and I say, "what are you scared of ending up like Lance?" Of course, C loses it, because all you have to do is mention Lance Armstrong and he loves it. But he is like "why would I lose a nut playing rochambeaux." At this point Truth and I lose it and tell him the C wants to rochambeaux everyone. So the lesson kids, if you hear something on southpark, look it up before you assume it is true.
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