If my dreams are prophetic...
...why couldn't I have had a dream about finishing my dissertation?
I dreamt about an old friend last night and when I woke up I felt sad. We used to be good friends (or at least I thought so) and then all of a sudden this person just stopped communicating with me. Recently I called the person and we spoke for a minute and then s/he said s/he was happy to hear from me and would call back soon and then nothing...It has been months. And the thing is that I understand being busy or just moving on and not wanting to be friends anymore, but still I had hoped that we might reconnect especially now that I live on the East Coast for work and am so lonely and whatever, I am bad at reaching out to people that I like...anyway, so I decided to check out an email account that I never use anymore and I found an email from this person saying in effect "hey I lost all your contact information this is what I was able to find, give me a call." Weird huh?
Anyway, it comes at a weird time because right now, I don't have time for my friends. I need to concentrate on writing a final exam for one course and finishing the grades for another so that I can head to DC next week and then home for a summer of sunshine, seeing the husband, hanging with friends and finally finishing this f'ing dissertation.
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