
The Larry Summers Debate Continues

As everyone knows by now the President of Harvard University has come under serious criticism for his recent remarks wherein he suggested that there was significant research supporting a biological explanation for the dearth of women in jobs as professors of math and the sciences. This debate is ripe for a treatment on Smidgen of Truth, because many of Summers' defenders have depended on exactly that to come riding to his rescue. Nevertheless, I had avoided blogging about this topic since it seemed that everyone else had already said everything that could be said on the matter. But, today I read exactly the kind of misuse of science that gets the blood of this old empiricists boiling.

You can skip on over to Captain Ed's post on the Captain's Quarters blog: http://www.captainsquartersblog.com/mt/archives/003921.php to make sure that I am staying honest. But here's my summary of his statement with commentary.

Basically Captain Ed makes a few common mistakes 1) he assumes that the brain reflects only biological effects, ignoring the fact that socialization can affect brain functioning; 2) ignores missing pieces of data that would greatly affect our ability to draw conclusions 3) he dresses up an assumption as fact with no empirical support for it and 4) he uses this faulty reasoning to draw up a big conclusion and basically accuses the opposition of being a bunch of screaming idiots who confuse politics with science.

Captain Ed begins by offering a summary of an article that summarizes some research that finds:

The human brain--male or female--is composed of about 40 percent gray matter and 60 percent white matter. When given intelligence tests, men used 6.5 times more gray matter than women, while women used nine times as much white matter.
First of all, I am not even going to go into the problems posed by the fact that Captain Ed's argument is based on what someone says the researchers say. Of course, reporters never misinterpret research or overstate the results to make a "newsworthy" story (and yeah, that's sarcasm you are detecting). But, second all this quote says is that there is a difference in the part of the brain that men and women use to solve problems in an IQ test. Note that this finding does not show that men are more likely than women to get the answers right. In fact, it could be that men and women arrive at the same answers using different skills which make neither of them inherently better or worse at the task.

However, the article goes on to note that there is research that suggests that these different types of brain matter are adapted to doing different tasks. For instance, the reporter says gray matter is associated with skills like map-reading, mathematics and what I think of as a fairly vague phrase "intellectual thought." My problem with this statement has little to do with what Captain Ed does with it and more to do with the fact that I have a problem with how the reporter is defining "intellectual thought." Namely, it seems to me that the reporter is assuming that the kind of thinking associated with men is "intellectual" whereas the kind of thinking associated with women is not. Read the following quote with this idea in mind:
Gray is central to processing information and plays a vital role in aiding skills such as mathematics, map-reading, and intellectual thought. White matter connects the brain's processing centers and is central to emotional thinking, use of language, and the ability to do more than one thing at once. Because women use less gray matter--critical to map-reading--they tend to have more difficulty with this skill than men.

Since when did "use of language" not constitute an aspect of intellectual thought. Frankly, how do we know a person is thinking intellectually unless they are able to express those thoughts via language? Also note the final sentence provides the first time we've been given a concrete task that women have difficulty with...that is...map reading...Now if you are thinking like me you say this might explain why women are less likely than men to be cab drivers but has little to do with sex differences in the number of Calculus professors.

But, neither Captain Ed nor the reporter are solely responsible for trying to link this finding to a more general question about differences in mathematically ability. It is the study's own co-author who suggests that such a link might be supported. See the following quote:
"This may help explain why men tend to excel in tasks requiring more local processing, like mathematics and map-reading, while women tend to excel at integrating information from various brain regions, such as is required for language skills," co-study author and neuropsychologist Rex Jung of the University of New Mexico told the Daily Telegraph. "These two very different pathways and activity centers, however, result in equivalent overall performance on broad measures of cognitive ability, such as those found on intelligence tests."
However, note Professor Jung's qualification that this difference in use of each part of the brain may explain differences. Suggesting that in his professional opinion the research does not yet reach a level of robustness that allows him to posit a definite causal relationship.

But, here's where Captain Ed really offends me:

As the article says in preface to these remarks, the study doesn't say that women can't do math; in fact, the study concludes that "human evolution has created two different types of brains designed for equally intelligent behavior." It does indicate that men have a more natural ability to perform in this area. People tend to migrate towards disciplines in which their natural talents allow them to flourish, and so a gender gap in the sciences -- especially engineering and physics, which rely so heavily on mathematics -- should not come as a surprise. Summers pointed out the gap and wondered if the reason might not be organic so that a solution could be found to overcome it. It appears that the relevant research has been found to affirm his suspicions, and that a lot of people owe Summers an apology.

So let's think this through, does the study show that men have more of a natural ability to perform in this area? NO!!! It shows that in adult men this area is more often activated than in adult women. This means that socialization could well play a part. As Bad Cat Robot says

I am also curious that no one has speculated that the differences in abilities (or in brain matter used) are *learned*. The brain changes with environment and use. There was a study done that compared the brain activity of London cabbies to ordinary drivers, and the cabbies had markedly more neural connections. Are you arguing that only very well-connected brain people are deciding to become cabbies? That something in the water makes a London cabbie more brainy than a New York one? Brain usage also changes after a stroke and people learn to compensate to work around the damaged area.

Following BCR, I'd argue that we might compare women who excel at map reading with men who do the same and see if we still observe this difference in gray and white brain matter activation. If we observe the same difference then we can begin to argue that such differences do not on their own explain abilities to read maps or do math. If the difference disappears, we can do a longitudinal study of young people and see whether their activation patterns change over time or whether in fact, there is a strong gender-neutral relationship between this pattern of brain matter activation and abilities.

Another problem with Captain Ed's conclusion is his assertation that "People tend to migrate towards disciplines in which their natural talents allow them to flourish, and so a gender gap in the sciences -- especially engineering and physics, which rely so heavily on mathematics -- should not come as a surprise." Ummm...okay, well this might seem like commonsense but we don't take anything for granted in science we test it. In addition, as a social scientists I would add the caveat that people also go into fields which are more structurally available to me. Which explains why for a long time almost no women at all went into any of the disciplines, because SOCIETY DIDN'T ALLOW IT. Therefore, we should never ASSUME that career choices reflect only what the jobseekers desire, we should test to see how true this is.

Despite these weaknesses, Captain Ed seems to think that this is the definitive evidence that Summers is correct. That is, Captain Ed is more convinced of the implications of the study than even the co-author himself.

One wonders, how Captain Ed would deal with the fact that there is no math/science sex gap in high school or college and the fact that on average women receive better grades than men in these subjects? Despite the fact that women are less likely to be called on in classes. Hmmm....so much for natural propensities.

Further, in the end, what does any of this have to do with explaining differences in tenure? The distribution of math/science abilities (not to mention map-reading) has little impact on tenure decisions since this a process that occurs not among the total population but among those people who have self-selected to go into these professions and have excelled throughout their lives in these subjects. It is the very nature of the problem that suggests that social (or even sociobiological, e.g. the biological clock and the social pressure to reproduce) causes are likely to be the strongest causal factors in the sex difference in tenure.

I could spend another couple of hours going over all the good social science research that suggests that Summers is wrong to say that discrimination plays little part in sex differences in tenure in math and science, but I'll save that for another rant.


Truth, Your Boy is Coming to Illy....

Did you see that the Maloofs, trades C-Webb to Illy? I thought this might bring some spring to your step. Again, proving Billy King isn't all that stupid.....but the Maloofs, might be.

vengeance is going on a date

so......tomorrow...thursday....i am going on a date with a law student.....he has potential...but we shall see....advice? thoughts? fashion suggestions?

hopefully he will not inspire the wrath of vengeance....


I've Found Love....

...and google maps is her name. This post links you to the GoogleMaps Beta and I have to say it is a beautiful sight to behold.

God, I swear to you that those Google guys may become the Darth Vaders of the Internet, but I will gladly submit to their awesome power if they keep offering products that are this awesome.

I am posting this information as a suggestion for all the people who may one day visit our blog since goodness knows that vengeance and I try never to drive anywhere that we've never been before. I've been failing miserably ever since I moved to Illy.

Michael's "Nether" Land

Vengeance...I am going to take one for the team and keep up with the most disgusting aspects of the Michael Jackson trial, so that you don't have to. If you click on the title of this post you can link to an article which "verifies" the "Michael has funny penis," information.

Enjoy...but not too much. That would be gross.

a passage that made me laugh...b/c truth and I have had a very, very similar conversation

"But, what is wrong with you? You shouldn't be so---so calm, while I am a nervous wreck. Have you done this sort of thing before?"
"Sure are you kidding? I'm a pilot, I've eaten dinner all over the world."
"Not dinner, you idiot!" I know you've had dinner before! What, are you retarded?"
"Okay, now everyone is looking. You can't just say 'retarded' in public like that---people take offence, because, you know, many of them are. You're supposed to say 'developmentally disabled.'"


A Poem I Love

Though this poem is certainly not funny (but then what can be after seeing a 7ft tall giant wearing plaid pajamas in front of 24,000 people)...it is one that captures my desire to fight the sea of stupid...

If We Must Die
Claude McKay

If we must die--let it not be like hogs
Hunted and penned in an inglorious spot,
While round us bark the mad and hungry dogs,
Making their mock at our accursed lot.
If we must die--oh, let us nobly die,
So that our precious blood may not be shed
In vain; then even the monsters we defy
Shall be constrained to honor us though dead!
Oh, Kinsmen! We must meet the common foe;
Though far outnumbered, let us show us brave,
And for their thousand blows deal one deathblow!
What though before us lies the open grave?
Like men we'll face the murderous, cowardly pack,
Pressed to the wall, dying, but fighting back!


My favorite Shaq fashion faux pas

Shaq's fashion sense

I apologize for picking on Shaq, but since he is one of the biggest (both literally and figuratively) offender of my fashion sense...I have to use him as an example. Trust me I love Shaq. There is nothing more that I would like to see than him pound that punk Kobe....but sometimes he just crosses the line. Like tonight....I saw him at the NBA skills competition....he was wearing this fedora. I think it was made for a normal size man....but it looked like a little kid's hat on Shaq....
Perhaps my favorite Shaq outfit...was the one he wore when he tried to break up that infamous Rick Fox, Doug Christie and Mrs. Christie fight. No one, I repeat no one should wear an entire orange and blue leisure suit...especially if you are over the age of 4 and even more so if you a gigantic NBA center...See photo for proof.

But this brings me back to my point. Sure NBA players are huge men, normal clothes don't fit them...but...when you go to the tailor, what makes you think...please make me the ugliest clothes ever. Perhaps this is why ESPN.com reviews draft night fashion, because invariably, they wear some ugly ass shit. With all the money these guys make...can't they just wear something that isn't fugly.....IS THIS TOO MUCH TO ASK

Truth and Vengeance Watch the NBA Skills Competition...Well Sort of...Part I

So we were both bored on a Saturday night...and this is what transpired...

truth: are you watching the nba all-star game coverage by any chance
vengeance: no
vengeance: just saw sir charles on pti yesterday
truth: okay well there's a whole rant in the mint green suit that charles barkley is wearing
vengeance: oh shit...i love sir charles
vengeance: he is insane
vengeance: but i love him
truth: yeah well i think you might have at least say that his mint green suit is fucked
truth: he looks like giant peppermint patty
vengeance: ok....i'll work on
truth: with most of the chocolate licked off
vengeance: but peppermint patties aren't green
vengeance: nor are their insides
truth: wait no there are ones that are white on the inside
truth: but there are these ones that are like super pepperminty that are green on the inside
vengeance: they are all white on the inside
truth: or maybe they only sell them on holidays or some shit
vengeance: are there...i don't eat those
vengeance: yeah
truth: but they are the bane of my existence
truth: okay...okay one of the banes of my existence
vengeance: i am going to say he looks like a giant bowl of pistachio icecream
vengeance: or pudding
truth: that works
vengeance: yup
truth: i'm gonna look up the word bane to figure out if you can have more than one
vengeance: hmmmm i don't know
truth: okay
truth: definition of bane "the cause of ruin or trouble"
vengeance: ok...maybe you could have a different bane each day
truth: i think that sounds right
truth: so i could say that is the bane of my day
vengeance: or your hour
truth: even better
vengeance: i mean really time is shifting
truth: you are a genius
vengeance: so....you know
truth: oh my god, so i'm watching tonights festivities on tivo delay
truth: good idea
vengeance: yeah and
truth: but they have founds some chick to sing the canadian national anthem and she's the first person i've ever seen who could sing that song off key
vengeance: sweet
truth: it's a reasonable song
vengeance: i love that song
truth: well you would not love this rendition
vengeance: it is beautiful
vengeance: oh no
truth: i want to "stand guard" against her singing it again
vengeance: oh no
vengeance: now i have it in my head
vengeance: i love it
vengeance: we see thee light oh canada, we stand on guard for thee
vengeance: oh canada my home and native land, true patriots hearts
truth: i don't know why but i love that "we stand on guard for thee" part
vengeance: oh canada, oh canada
vengeance: b/c it is about protecting your homeland...not fucking up people for no apparent reason
truth: like i can see a bunch of flip-top heads just standing around going "we're on guard, eh?"
truth: yeah, in truth, i do like that sentiment
vengeance: ok...we might have to post this conversation
truth: whereas our national anthem is all, look bombs rock
vengeance: and we'll fuck your shit up
truth: but dude the funny part is that he was in some prison or something when the bombs were a burstin in air
vengeance: i know....
vengeance: those crazy people
truth: so really it's a song all about getting our ass kicked and the only thing that wasn't getting fucked up was one little piece of cloth
vengeance: and look what his geneology produced...f. scott fitzgerald
vengeance: who was kind of nuts too
vengeance: ok....kind of nuts might be an understatement
truth: well you name a kid francis and i'm telling you, you get a nut every time
truth: maybe a talented nut...see francis sinatra...but a nut
vengeance: true....no one should be named francis....
vengeance: i have a great uncle named francis
truth: is he crazy?
vengeance: although he might be dead
vengeance: i don't know
vengeance: i can
vengeance: i can't tell them apart
truth: dead and crazy?
vengeance: they are all old, tan, and hysterically funny
truth: good thing you aren't a doctor?
truth: oh you mean the great-uncles
vengeance: why would you say that
vengeance: yeah the great uncles
truth: i thought you were saying that you could not discern the difference between dead v. crazy
truth: i just thought it would make it hard to be a doctor
vengeance: if he is alive he is over 90 years old
truth: i mean no disrespect but at 90 you have to be crazy
truth: only crazy people live a long time
vengeance: yeah not being able to tell if people were dead or crazy would be rough
vengeance: dude the clan lives a very, very long time
vengeance: great uncle patricio is over 100
truth: i love you, but that's like clear evidence of a family history of insanity
vengeance: yeah i know
truth: i mean i tell you, long life=crazy
vengeance: great uncle guiseppi was over 100 when he died
vengeance: guiseppi was awesome
vengeance: he was a rum runner
truth: it's like a scientific fact...if you don't believe me, i bet i could get larry summers the pres. of harvard to make a speech supporting this position.
truth: oh rum...that sounds good
vengeance: oh b/c that would clearly be based on fact
truth: maybe not supporting it, but at least "stimulating debate"
vengeance: you know those economists are full of shit
truth: oh no, now i have to listen to kelly clarkson
vengeance: i am sorry
truth: the sad part is that i kind of like that song "since you've been gone"
truth: but it's like she stole a song from pink or someone
vengeance: i don't know this song
truth: oh you may not realize that you know it but you do
truth: if you have a radio and a single working ear there's no way to avoid it
vengeance: i don't listen to the radio
vengeance: only my ipod
truth: it's one of those sing quietly and then scream the chorus songs
vengeance: oh...i see
truth: you are under the impression that one has to "listen" to the radio, but I am convinced bad sounds sneak out of it even when it's "off"
truth: like how cold air can leak through a closed window
vengeance: oh...i can undersand this theory
vengeance: sort of like osmosis

Scoot over a Smidgen

I really never thought that I would have a blog. Somehow it all seems so self-centered. I don't know...it's like look at me, I'm so important that even my most personal thoughts need an audience. Though people I work with seem to hold a slightly different opinion, I do not enjoy the sound of my own voice. In fact, nothing annoys me quite as much as that particular sound. So take it as no insult to you when I say that it seems to me that most of us are not nearly as interesting as we think.

Nevertheless, recent events have convinced me that if we don't have normal decibel conversations about all the things that are going on--the important and the trivial--then all we'll ever have are loud arguments over them. I am not one of those people who hates yelling or screaming. Hey, if you care enough about something, it is worth getting a bit overheated about it. The problem is that we don't usually make our most compelling or even logical arguments when we are talking loud. It is a sort of paradox that when we speak quietly others are most able to hear us.

So here's my contribution to the conversation....a collection of thoughts (mostly complaints) about the state of popular culture, politics and people. And frankly sometimes I'm gonna say it loud...but hopefully not too loud.